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Even though he doesn't smell great, "The Matter" is one of my favorite villains! I first created "The Matter" when I was just a teenager. He was meant to be a hero, and wore a m ask very similar to what the Ninja Turtles wear (basically a blindfold with eyeholes cut in it). Now, it makes more sense to me that someone with his, um, "powers would probably not feel much like being a hero. His name was originally "Super Dukey Man," which is apparently how I thought "dookie" was spelled (hey, I said I was just a teen). I searched through my files for the first picture I drew of him years ago, but I couldn't find it. I did find an early redesign of him as "The Matter," which I've posted below. In this version, the head is still very Turtle-esque, and he wore pants!

-Jay W. Davis

The Matter - old design

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