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Santa MuerteScavenger

Sasaki HamanoOri Junichero and Sasaki Hamano

QUOTE: "Meet me here tomorrow? Same time?"

Gentle and innocent, Sasaki is everything that Ori Junichero is not. Her father passed away years ago, and she lives with her mother in the countryside of Japan. The Junichero are her nearest neighbors for miles. After her chores, Sasaki tries to spend as much time as she can with the boy from the other side of the bamboo grove. Sasaki knows her neighbors to be fisherman. When she sees Ori practicing with a sword, she guesses that this is just how her reclusive neighbors choose to protect themselves. She has no idea that the Junichero are the fabled ninja clan revered and sought after by assassins all over the world.

Sasaki's life consists only of the mundane. She cooks. She sweeps her humble home. She sews when her clothes are torn. She tends to their small garden. And she is falling in love with Ori Junichero.

Living so close to the Junichero, Sasaki and her mother Minami are in danger. They have no idea what is in store for them as threats creep in closer and closer toward their fateful neighbors.


Real Name: Sasaki Hamano

Occupation: none

Classification: Human

Fall in the Bamboo Grove,
Bamboo Grove Epsilon



This website as well as all characters and comics listed therein, copyright Jay W. Davis / One Shot Productions, unless otherwise noted.