One Shot Productions
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 Mark of the Jinn Realm

Dark SkinsMeiHydronesNivid BugLeafmasks

 Earth Realm

Mortem BrandNationOgburnOri

 More Earth Realm

The butcherCairnCalicoChristianClaud BookerThe Vampire Claymore
Cyber-CzarCzarbotsDanny RedmondDark WarriorMs. DelainoDynamotastic
GunnHakkouHalina TylerHarbingerHarmonyIchiru
Dr. IlkaImpasseJack FitzJeb and MorrisLady TitanThe lord
Dr. LyleThe MatterMikeMinamiMindfieldDr. Moriart
Ogburn FamilyThe pageParry TylerThe peasantsPreston ReevePride
Agent RavenRe TungSanta MuerteSasakiScavengerSlooze
TanazakiThe thiefVampiresMr. WessonWhite LyreWiley

 Browse Characters by story appearances

Mark of the Jinn (webseries)
Gojinn, Hanta, Kira, Ningai
Dark Skins, Mei, Hydrones, Nivid Bug, Leafmasks

Veronica's Diary (print comic)
Veronica, Santa Muerte

Shadowlord (webseries)
Shadowlord, Calico, Dark Warrior, Barkstripper

What's the Matter (webcomic)
Dynamotastic, Wink, Lady Titan, White Lyre, The Matter

Project Nation (print comic)
Nation, Cyber-Czar, Czarbots, Dr. Ilka, Dr. Lyle, Dynamotastic, Wink, Lady Titan

Mortem Brand: Moonlight (webcomic)
Mortem Brand, Vampires

Vampire Crusade (print comic)
The lord, The page, The thief, The butcher, The peasants, The vampire

Ogburn v. Vampires (bonus story in "Vampire Crusade")
Ogburn, Vampires

Crusade Dusk (webcomic)
The vampire

Bamboo Grove Epilogue (webcomic)
Ori, Tanazaki, Re Tung, Sasaki, Minami

Fitz and Starts (webcomic)
Jack Fitz, Gunn, Dr. Mindfield

Ori v. Goroshi (webcomic)
Ori, Goroshi

Fall in the Bamboo Grove (print comic)
Ori, Tanazaki, Re Tung, Sasaki

Midnight Train (print comic)
Ogburn, Ogburn Family, Wiley, Dr. Moriart

Mortem Brand Monologue (bonus story in "Midnight Train")
Mortem Brand, Zombies

Vertex: Masks (print comic)
Vertex, Allie, Harbinger, Agent Raven, Gretchen

Origin of Slooze (bonus story in "Vertex: Masks")

Death: Accidental (print comic)
Gale, Halina Tyler, Parry Tyler

Falter: Sins (print comic)
Danny Redmond, Preston Reeve, Ms. Delaino, Falter

Stoic: Unlikely Sanctuary (print comic)
Stoic, Abbi, Mike, Jeb and Morris, Belmach, Cairn

Entrance Exam (bonus story in "Stoic: Unlikely Sanctuary")
Wrath, Gunn, Dr. Mindfield

Pride's Fall (print comic)
Pride, Harmony, Scavenger, Impasse, Wesson & Smith

Mortem Brand: The Passing (print comic)
Ichiru, Hakkou, Mortem Brand, Epsilon

Torpedo: Blazing Son (print comic)
Torpedo, Bludblister, Scavenger, Claud Booker, Christian, Gator-Face

Miscellaneous Profiles
Zombies, Vampires, Hydrones, Czarbots, Bones


This website as well as all characters and comics listed therein, copyright Jay W. Davis / One Shot Productions, unless otherwise noted.